Artist Demonstrations:  Classroom Demonstrations by Teaching Artists

     Practicing artists, who also are experienced teachers, come to your classrooms and work with students, demonstrating how to develop visual and performing arts abilities and how to integrate visual and performing arts (music, dance, theater arts, creative writing, mime, creative movement, and integrated arts activities) into the teaching of academic content.  The teacher must be present for these demonstrations to be effective.  Several classrooms can be included, and other teachers, parents, or administrators (up to 5 people) can participate with the students. A short workshop is offered for teachers after the school day has ended.


     In Tucson:  When DISCOVER organizes a demonstration, we try to keep the costs at around $25 per person for a half-day.  Full-day workshops usually run about $45 per person.  If your school organizes the event, we charge a flat-rate presenter fee of $225 for half day of $400 for full day (if conducted by DISCOVER staff member); $350 for half day or 600 for full day (if conducted by Dr. Maker).  There is no limitation on the number of attendees. 

     On-site, in your school: 

     $400 flat-rate speaker fee, plus travel-related expenses, for half-day or $800 flat-rate speaker fee, plus travel-related expenses, for full day (if conducted by a DISCOVER staff member);

     $500 flat-rate speaker fee, plus travel-related expenses, for half-day or $1,000 flat-rate speaker fee, plus travel-related expenses, for full day (if conducted by Dr. Maker).

     Half-day demonstrations must be within a 200 mile radius of Tucson or be accompanied by other half or full day DISCOVER services.

     International:  Fees at locations outside of the continental U.S. will vary, depending on the distance and circumstances.  Please contact the DISCOVER office for a customized rate plan.

     Demonstrations can be arranged in a series, just as with workshops, with a similar discount structure as follows:

     If one companion or follow-up demonstration is scheduled with the initial demonstration, the cost of the companion/follow-up demonstration is discounted by 10%.

     If two companion or follow-up demonstrations are scheduled with the initial demonstration, the cost of both companion/follow-up demonstrations is discounted by 15%.

     If three companion or follow-up demonstrations are scheduled with the initial demonstration, the cost of all three companion/follow-up demonstrations is discounted by 20%.

     A 25% discount is given if four or more companion/follow-up demonstrations are scheduled with the initial demonstration.

     Contact the DISCOVER office for other demonstration arrangements custom tailored to your school or community needs.

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